

历经半个世纪风雨的考验,MERITON 在不断变化的商业环境中一直充满活力地迈着坚定不移的步伐,持续发现并创造着非凡的价值。从悉尼、布里斯班到黄金海岸,随处可见MERITON的足迹和成果。其间,我们都竭诚倾力于我们的客户事业,MERITON也因此而傲居澳大利亚地产开发商之首。


集团由John和Bill Kinsella兄弟始创于1988年,独立运营的Billergia拥有一个强大而敬业的管理团队。Billergia的内部专业技术包括开发管理,施工管理,设计,项目管理,土木工程,结构工程,厂房出租,质量控制,项目营销,销售,经融和法律工作。

The group initiates, designs, develops, markets and manages a development portfolio in the residential, commercial, retail and industrial sectors.

Established in 1991, Citimark Properties is one of Australia’s leading diversified property groups, with a development pipeline exceeding A$1.8 billion.

Homeark Constructions has consistently built quality custom built homes throughout Sydney metropolitan area.

Our many years’ experience in building management has enabled projects to be completed on time and within budget. We understand the importance of quality, style and sound design foundations.